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Cov iav tso saib txee nrog LED Illuminated Backing, 5489NT laminate |OYE

Glasses display cabinet  with LED Illuminated Backing , 5489NT laminate  | OYE Featured Image
  • Glasses display cabinet  with LED Illuminated Backing , 5489NT laminate  | OYE
  • Glasses display cabinet  with LED Illuminated Backing , 5489NT laminate  | OYE
  • Glasses display cabinet  with LED Illuminated Backing , 5489NT laminate  | OYE
  • Glasses display cabinet  with LED Illuminated Backing , 5489NT laminate  | OYE
  • Glasses display cabinet  with LED Illuminated Backing , 5489NT laminate  | OYE
  • Glasses display cabinet  with LED Illuminated Backing , 5489NT laminate  | OYE
  • Glasses display cabinet  with LED Illuminated Backing , 5489NT laminate  | OYE
  • Glasses display cabinet  with LED Illuminated Backing , 5489NT laminate  | OYE

Cov iav tso saib txee nrog LED Illuminated Backing, 5489NT laminate |OYE

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Cov iav txee no loj dhau los tso saib ntau yam khoom ib zaug!Cov rooj zaum, iav txee yog tsim los siv hauv Optical Shop, khw muag khoom, chaw ua lag luam thiab ntau ntxiv.Cov txee iav yog qhov zoo tagnrho rau cov khw muag khoom lossis lwm qhov chaw lag luam uas tab tom nrhiav yuav tsawg kawg ntawm cov txee, txawm tias yog vim li cas nyiaj txiag lossis thaj chaw.Cov khob iav no muaj ntau theem los tuav koj cov khoom sau tag nrho.Cov iav txee no muaj lub hauv paus liab-xim av nrog 3 drawers .Cov iav zoo li stunning hauv cov iav txee nrog laminate accents.

Cov khoom pom zoo:Cov khoom muag muag zaub txee
Pawg:Zaub Case,Retail Display Case

Product Detail

Cov ntaub ntawv tuam txhab

Ntim & Shipping

Khoom cim npe

Qhov no yog classic style qhov muag zaub sawv.Nws yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws los tso saib cov khoom hauv lub khw muag khoom kho qhov muag.Nws yog qhov yooj yim heev los tso rau cov neeg siv khoom.Cov tub rau khoom hauv av tuaj yeem khaws txhua yam uas koj xav tau, xws li cov khoom siv thiab cov khoom siv.Cov iav yuav yooj yim saib nrog LED Illuminated Backing, 5489NT laminate.

Cov ntsiab lus ceev

Hom Lub Npe: OYE
Qauv nab npawb: SIB 1600
Xim: Dub
Khoom siv: 5489NT laminate
Lub teeb: LED II1uminated Backing
Muaj nuj nqi: Eyeglass Display Stand
Kev Them Nyiaj: T/T
Hom: Floor Standing Display Unit
Style: Cov cuab yeej tso saib
Kev siv: tsom iav
Daim ntawv thov: Kev lag luam zaub
Feature: Xauv tau

Product Description

1. Loj: 1600X400X2050mm
2. Xim: Dub
3.Tempered iav, Mdf Rov Qab Nrog 5 Kho Qhov Rooj
4. Mdf Rov Qab Nrog 5 Kho Qhov Rooj
5.Nws muaj 2 lub teeb coj los rau saum
6.ouch kaw qhov rooj
7.Txhua Sigle Plece tau ntim zoo rau hauv Cov Ntoo Ntoo Crate, kev nyab xeeb hauv Shipping
8.Design Thiab Manufacturing Of Store Showcase Thiab Mall Kiosk
9.Tsim Nrog Oye, ua Los ntawm Oye
10.Zoo Zoo Thiab Punchyual xa
11.Txhua yam yog Pre-assembled hauv Hoobkas, npaj rau Usd tom qab koj tau txais
12.Custom Designs Zoo siab txais tos, peb cov kws tsim qauv tuaj yeem ua 3d Renderings thiab engineers kos duab raws li koj qhov kev thov

Cov yeeb yaj kiab rau cov khoom no


Cov duab rau cov ntaub ntawv

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